Love this story.. Check it out!
Nigel Britten, who is the assistant manager at Whelan Farm, near Warlingham, Surrey, was getting fed up with pigeons munching on his wheat crops and had racked his brains to think of a way to save his livelihood.
Then inspiration came to him and his fiancee as they watched Lady Gaga arrive atlast Tuesday night's Brit Awards.
Mr Britten, 27, said: 'We were laughing at Lady GaGa's outfit and that extraordinary wig and talking about how scary she looked.
My fiancee Marti joked that I should make a scarecrow which looked like her. I laughed and then it occurred to me it was actually a very good idea.
We'd used traditional scarecrows but the old ways just don't seem to work any more, so we have had to become more and more inventive.'
And Mr Britten said that so far, the 7ft tall Lady GaGa scarecrow, complete with shocking white wig made from cotton wool and dress, is keeping birds off his wheat crops which are used to grow Hovis bread.